Lovense Ferri Review: Super-Charged Panty Vibe

Oooh, yeah! Lovense Ferri is the clit equivalent of the Lush 3. (A.k.a. “that toy with the pink tail.”) Finally, Lovense has released a wearable “panty vibrator,” big news since most people with clits find vaginal-only orgasms difficult to achieve. A Lovense motor has never underwhelmed me, so I was eager to see whether Ferri would outperform the We-Vibe Moxie orgasmically.

So of course my vibrator-ranking instinct compels me to review the strength of Lovense Ferri vs. We-Vibe Moxie, and Ferri vs. Lovense Lush too: all Bluetooth remote wearable vibrators. I’ll tell you how wearable I found Ferriā€”and, as always with Lovense vibrators, let’s talk about the exceptional app control.

Ferri Pros & Cons


  • The strongest wearable “panty” vibrator.
  • Body-safe silicone.
  • Firm ridge you will feel when you sit on it.
  • Lovense’s vibrator app is the best.
  • Waterproof & rechargeable.
  • Compact and easy to wear.


  • Strong ridge isn’t for broad-stimulation lovers.
  • Higher-pitched vs. Lush.
  • Smaller size = not super-strong like a wand vibe can be.

The Lovense Ferri is body-safe silicone with nonporous ABS plastic, waterproof submersible, and USB magnetic rechargeable. We rate it as running from 5.5 (low speed) to 7.25 (high speed) out of 10 for vibration power.

Overall, we rate the Ferri as 4.6 out of 5 stars for its power, easy wear, awesome app control & Bluetooth connectivity, and stimulating-to-sit-on shape. The Lovense app stays connected to this vibrator extremely well. It’s fun to create new vibration sequences and playing around ā€” not glitchy like We-Vibe Moxie.

You should only avoid the Ferri if you’re sensitive to focused, hard clitoral pressure (since Ferri’s ridge sticks out firmly in the center) or you need the rumbliest, low-pitch vibrations.

Ferri’s Shape & Wearability

The Lovense Ferri (full product page here) is a bullet-sized vibrator that’s slightly curved to rest between your labia. The silky, bright pank silicone has strong vertical ridges, the center one popping up the mostā€”that’s for the extra clit pressure.

Lovense Ferri panty vibrator clit side

The clit-touching underside, above… And now for the important part on the Lovense Ferri’s top side: its magnetic clip. One black oval on top is removable:

Lovense Ferri review app controlled panty vibrator magnetic clip box
Extra magnetic clip included, as well as the charging cable under the Lovense name.

…You detach that black magnetic oval, place Ferri inside your underwear, then reattach the magnet on the outside of your underwear. Keeping Ferri nestled against your clit, so it doesn’t move around too much.

This magnetic-clip idea was pioneered in We-Vibe’s Moxie panty vibeā€”discussed more against Ferri in a minute.1 And it’s a smart idea, for stable wear.

Lovense Ferri panty vibrator in panties magnetic clip strength
It’s a strong magnet!

As mentioned, Lovense Ferri’s got this strong ridge running right down the middle. The most noticeable design feature, it really creates sensation when you sit on it. And sitting is definitely the best experience, IMO…

My Lovense Ferri Testing

10/10 a party in your panties.

Lovense Ferri panty vibrator in panties magnetic clip logo

After I got my Ferri out of its compact box (so small, = less waste!) and checked out how strong it was, I played.

Against my clit with my fingers first, to get the full story about the strength with pressure appliedā€”and then, clipped into my underwear for an IRL panty vibrator experience.

I’d idled on Ferri’s second speed for quite a while, letting it gruuuumble-bzzz against me. Half paying attention, with Ferri pleasing me lightly.

Top speed is the way for Ferri orgasms, though. I turned it up and felt that last kick of power. I sat back, sensing my thighs twitched slightly and my clit now throbbed hard. Blood rushing to my clit.

I felt myself opening my legs involuntarily, then starting to rub my clit up and down on ridge. Rocking my hips, to hump that line of firm silicone, the focal point of Ferri’s textured body. Its finger’s width of strong vibration. Not the deepest vibration, no; but it has power. (If you’re not used to Magic Wands & such, it’ll feel really strong.)

And that’s how I can come on the Lovense Ferri best, by myself, the sitting down and a little grinding, pushing myself over the edge.

How quiet is the Lovense Ferri?! Under a couple layers of padding, I feel Ferri is disguisable as long as there’s background noise like light traffic, or other people conversing in a restaurant. It’s not super-quiet, but it’s quiet enough unless you’re in, like, a library.

Lovense Ferri panty vibrator rose petals square

Lovense Ferri Strength vs. Satisfyer & Moxie

Here’s how strong we find Ferri vs. the We-Vibe Moxie & Satisfyer “Sexy” discreet panty vibrators, where 10 = strongest vibration:

VibratorPower, from Low to High SpeedsVolume (decibels)
Lovense Ferri3.0 to 7.2531 to 41
We-Vibe Moxie2.5 to 6.524 to 36
Satisfyer Sexy Secret/
Little Secret
2.0 to 5.026 to 30
Lovense Lush3
(vaginal only)
5.75 to 7.529 to 39

More on Lovense App Features

TL;DR: The Lovense remote-control vibrator app app is still (2024) the most polished vibrator control app on the market. It just stays connected better vs. other vibrator apps. Here are select Lovense app features, the ones I’ve played with on the Lovense Ferri:

  • Sync any Lovense vibrator to your music library (“Music,” of course),
  • sync to ambient noise around you (“Sound”),
  • Let the vibrator wake you up (“Alarm”),
  • Custom-set the strength by moving your finger up and down (“Remote”),
  • Access saved patterns & create new ones (“My Patterns”),
  • Browse the library of thousands and thousands of patterns created by others (“Patterns”),
  • and “Long Distance” for chat, giving up control to anyone you want, sending audio mesages, and live video chat too, if desired.
Lovense app Tenera2
1. The home screen; 2. Playing in “My Patterns”; 3. Patterns created by Lovense users!

“Long Distance” app control applies whenever you’re letting a partner control your vibrator, whether they’re literally right next to you, or 5,000 miles away.

No one can add youā€”or even find your Lovense usernameā€”unless you’ve given them the username or sent them an invitation link. Here’s a full how-to on Lovense long-distance app control.

Versus other vibrator apps, the current Lovense toys have the best reputation for consistent Bluetooth connectivity. Bluetooth signals (what pair the vibrator to the user’s phone) aren’t designed to travel through flesh, so less-well-developed apps will cut out more during play: cause more connectivity issues. Especially for users with bigger thighs or booty, I would only recommend Lovense toys for wearing around and staying connected.

Let’s look at some of my IRL long-distance history, with other users’ images and names redded-out.2

Lovense long distance app control screenshots
1. Long-distance tab home, with a partner list; 2. The opening “be forewarned” privacy message Lovense recently added to chats; 3. A chat with live control in the middle.

I hope you get the idea: It can be really hot, especially if you have good chemistry with a partner. The only difficulty I’ve found during long-distance live controlā€”once when I was controlling a guy’s Edge prostate vibeā€”is that the controller does need to stop moving the vibe speed up and down and let the vibe run steady, to be able to respond back via text. But videoing during vibrator control brings your/your partner’s arousal status to life fully, as you can see what your play partner is doing and hear their words. Of course, if you’re in person with your partner, you’ll see their reactions right in front of you!

Ferri vs. We-Vibe Moxie vs. Lovense Lush 2: Power

The We-Vibe Moxie has nice power for its size, but didn’t bowl me over orgasmically.

The Lovense Ferri feels roughly 20% more powerful than the We-Vibe Moxie IMO. More than that, Ferri’s prominent ridge down the center delivers more clit focus. So you’ll likely notice it more.

For anyone who’s read enough vibrator reviews to know the difference between “rumbly” and “buzzy” intensities: Ferri is less rumbly on its lower intensities than Moxieā€”but Moxie made me lose interest too quickly to really care about its deep, rumbly, low speeds, tbh. Neither vibe is rumbly on high power.

So what if you’re sold on a Lovense toy but aren’t sure whether to go for Lush 2 / Lush 3 or the Lovense Ferri’s clitoral vibrations? A point-by-point:

  • Clit vs. vag. Does the wearer orgasm from vaginal stimulation only? If no, and they do want the toy to make them come while they wear it around, obviously Ferri for the better clitoral stimulation. The Lush is easiest to wear for Gspot stimulation.
  • Strength. Do you want top power? All Lovense Lushes are stronger than Lovense Ferri ā€” not by a ton, but noticeably.
  • Noise. At 30 to 40 decibels when inserted, Lush 2’s top speeds max out as loud as my refrigerator. Ferri sounds a bit louder on high. Crossing your legs does help lower the volume, and you can choose to only let Ferri hit, say, 50% power if you’re ever wanting to use it in a quieter place.
šŸ“– Note: The most powerful (non-wearable) Lovense vibrator is the Domi 2 wand. That thing beats the Magic Wand Rechargeable for power on high. I sent one to a friend as a late Xmas gift; she likes strong vibes, but she was like, “I can only stand it for a couple seconds” šŸ˜®

Overall Ferri Recap & Ranking

I moved the Lovense Ferri to the #1 position in my panty vibe ranking exactly 2 days after I opened up Ferri’s box. This vibe takes a good-powered bullet vibrator, contours it to fit the vulva and press on the clit, and adds the strong magnet clip for security. A panty vibrator that stays!

PLUS Lovense’s top-notch bluetooth remote app control, if you are wanting to venture out…and about… in public being kinky and wearing your clitoral vibrations hands free. Or just playing at home: The Lovense app is teaming with possibilities, whether you have one committed partner or many casual ones.

For anyone who does want a wearable clit toy, this is the best. That said, the Lovense Lush 2/3 is overall stronger than Ferri, and the Lush 2’s vaginal wear masks the vibe’s volume better. It just depends on whether you need total silence / the environment you’ll be wearing the vibe inā€”because, for example, some restaurants are quieter than others. So which would you choose: Clit stim and a little more noise, or quieter (but strong) G-spot vibes?

Check pricing for all Lovense vibrators here at the Lovense official store.

Lush 2 is often marked down to $99 ā¬†ļø, and Ferri will likely be rotating between $99 and $109 as well.

Lovense Ferri

Lovense Ferri is the clit-stimulating equivalent of the Lush 3. I review Lovense Ferri's power & orgasmic success... Vs. We-Vibe Moxie & more.

Product SKU: 728360599681

Product Brand: Lovense

Editor's Rating:


  • The strongest wearable "panty" vibrator.
  • Body-safe silicone.
  • Firm ridge you will feel when you sit on it.
  • Lovense's vibrator app is the best.
  • Waterproof & rechargeable.
  • Compact and easy to wear.


  • Strong ridge isn't for broad-stimulation lovers.
  • Higher-pitched vs. Lush.
  • Smaller size = not super-strong like a wand vibe can be.


  1. One might accuse Lovense of copycatting or design theft, but in this case I can’t fault the company too hard given that We-Vibe has re-released its Jive in a bright pink that’s remarkably similar to the Lovense Lush’s very-recognized shade. That’s no coincidence, We-Vibe is wanting to poach everyone who’s looking for “What’s that vibrator with the pink tail I saw in a porno?” It’s a sex toy battlefield out there.
  2. My apologies to all the folks I’m ignoring because I get bored without a strong intellectual connectionā€”or, like, being able to see your face IRL. I may be more in the “need a special someone” group.

3 thoughts on “Lovense Ferri Review: Super-Charged Panty Vibe”

  1. I’m a little bit disappointed because on my opinion and experience, it’s not perfectly suited chubby girls and chubby lips.
    When the ferri is clipped to the panties with the magnet, it does not touch the clit. You have to insert it a little bit but then you can’t put the magnet on your panties or it’s uncomfortable for your lips and therefore the Ferri can move a little bit so you may lose the contact with the clit
    But I LOVE some other Lovense toys

    • It’s waterproof so that vaginal insertion shouldn’t damage the toy, but I wouldn’t do it because the Ferri’s magnetic charging nodes would then be making direct contact with the vaginal lining (which is acidic in healthy premenopausal vaginas), we’re not sure what metal is used, the charging nodes could be nickel plated, and I wouldn’t want straight nickel (or aluminum) leaching into my vagina. Definitely don’t insert the Ferri rectally.

      Better to go own a love egg style vibrator for vaginal use. I like the Vedo Kiwi pretty well because you can either wear it as a thicker panty vibrator slotted into an underwear pocket for clit stimulation, or you can insert it vaginally.


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